Visiting Loved Ones

Visiting Loved ones at St Bernards

Spring 2022

The importance of visits from loved ones is crucial to our residents, this is something that is looked forward to by all family, friends and staff.

Visits from loved ones

The importance of visits from loved ones is crucial to our residents, this is something that is looked forward to by all family, friends and staff. It is important we continue to follow government guidelines to ensure the safety of everyone, and for visits to continue.

Here at St Bernard’s, we support visiting loved ones as much as possible! With essential care givers in place for all residents, it is vital in maintaining routines and connections, creating stable lives. In home visits will be available as well as Garden visit in the Spa, perfect on a sunny day! 

Continuing for the future, if it’s safe to do so, minibus trips will commence weekly, from window shopping round Garden Centres and picnics in the park.  We are delighted on how successful, our family forums have been, connecting with families all over the world to discuss any matters that maybe on your mind, we are happy to be able to continue to do so. Keep an eye out for emails on when our next one will commence. 

A negative rapid flow test continues to be necessary prior to indoor visiting. This could be a test completed prior to the visit or on arrival. If you choose to complete the test prior to the visit, you will need to email your negative test results to prior your visit.

We will continue to support testing on site for any visitor who does not wish to test at home. Face masks, gloves and aprons must be worn in the home at all times.

Please call us to make an appointment

Please call our reception at 0121 708 0177 to make an appointment to visit your loved one.
We look forward to seeing you all again!


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St. Bernards Minibus Trips

St. Bernard’s Minibus trips!

Staff and resident day out.

October 2021

Activities in the home have always been one of our main priorities and we love documenting it all not only for families and friends, but our digital care-plans. Throughout the year, one our residents favourite parts of the week are the minibus trips. We started our trips off with just simple drives round the local areas, to get out of the home and see the world. Due to our residents having to shield for long periods of time, they enjoyed the simple things and being able to watch the outside world.

Being outside was such a benefit


As time went on and restrictions eased, we have a wonderful staff member Dean join us, where we can go and walk around a garden centre and enjoy of cup of tea with each other inside the café.



Health & Wellbeing is so important

This is a wonderful thing for not only our residents, but our staff. They love being able to spend some quality time outside the home, just like things used to be.



Independence again


The feeling of be able to walk round the shops and interact with people is so beneficial for the residents mental health and wellbeing, having the feeling of independence again is something they enjoy.


Keep up to date on all our activities via our Instagram and Facebook!


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Christmas at St. Bernards 2020

Christmas at St. Bernards

December 2020

Christmas is a time for hope and brings families and communities together. This past year has been one like no other and bought challenges that were unforeseen. With this being said, the year has also highlighted that love and kindness will always prevail over any darkness.

St. Bernards Residential Care would like to thank all those who have thought of us throughout the year and wish you all a wonderful, safe and Happy Christmas!

We believe we can get through anything as a family, and look towards the future with hope and gratitude.



Deck the Halls…

The halls and rooms are full of Christmas! Trees, sparkling baubles, lights and the gentle smell of fresh pine and cinnamon runs throughout the home. St. Bernards at Christmas has always been a magical time for all. The home is where the heart is, and despite the year we have had – Christmas is certainly not cancelled!



Wilson Vale and St. Bernards

As always we have been working with the wonderful team at Wilson Vale to ensure the absolute best when it comes to festive food and treats for our residents. We particularly enjoyed our ‘German Market’ inspired day, where residents were able to enjoy the very best of a Christmas market in the safety of the home.



Virtual Gatherings

In ‘normal times’ the home would be full of guests, entertainers and family. We have got creative this year and made sure we are still connected with all those who make Christmas so special for our residents. 

We have had the enjoyment of watching the  National Welsh Opera, The Alzheimer’s Society ‘Virtual Christmas Carols’, pantomimes, children’s plays, Church services and so much more! 

The residents have been able to view in the comfort of the numerous designated lounges we have, in safe and comfortable settings.  



Crafts and ‘Engage’ at St. Bernards

Encouraging our residents to get involved with crafts is not only great for mental stimulation and creativity, but also a fantastic opportunity for socialising and being ‘Engaged’ with the present moment and whom they are sharing that time with. The idea of ‘Engage’ in the home is about spending 1-2-1 time with residents through meaningful activities. 



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Keeping Safe at St. Bernards

Keeping Safe & Well at St. Bernards

August 2020

From everyone at St. Bernards, we would like to extend an enormous thank you for all your kindness and support at this difficult time.

Our team here at St. Bernards have been amazing and we are indebted to the commitment, love and compassion each and every member of staff has shown as they carry out their roles on a daily basis.

As you are aware we are living in uncertain times and we want you to know that we are doing everything we can do to keep our residents safe and well. We are in contact daily and work closely with Public Health England, the NHS and other professionals, so we can adhere to and practice the latest guidance.

All the very best,


Tracey, Patrick & Claire
Manager and Directors

Visiting the Home

You are now able to see your loved ones under Public Health Guidelines. We have a beautiful, spacious garden, where residents and their loved ones can meet in a comfortable and safe setting. With ample seating across the grounds, you are able to enjoy the wonderful views in the company of our resident.

We ask you to call the main reception to book a garden visit, and request that you wear a nose and mouth covering when meeting your loved one.

We have a designated garden entrance, and should the weather take a turn the Garden Spa can be opened for family visits. It has wide bi-folding doors over looking the landscaped garden.

Welcoming new Residents:

We are pleased to inform that we are taking new admissions and are committed to supporting the needs and wellbeing of all our residents both existing and new.

At this present time, we are offering potential residents the chance to view the home through a virtual tour. We would like to invite you to view the video tour and encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have.

“With ample seating across the grounds you are able to enjoy the wonderful views in the company of our residents.”

Keeping us all safe at St. Bernards:

Here at St. Bernards, we are taking extra measures to protect our residents, staff and visitors at all times.

All residents and staff are tested regularly to maintain a Covid free home.  We have an exceptional housekeeping team who work around the clock to ensure the safest environment for everyone.

Please keep checking our News and Events page for all the latest.


To keep up to date with all our news and events, read our regular newsletter.


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If you would like to find out more information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


Click below to complete your enquiry and send it directly to our care team.